September Newsletter Issue 9
Published: October 3, 2016 by: Rick White




Haitian Christian Ministries

2016 Issue 9



As we have shared in recent newsletters, God continues to grow the Lory church under the leadership of Pastor Jacques. The church has outgrown its current facility and the board is now announcing a capital campaign for a new multi-purpose building on the Lory grounds.

This building (preliminary exterior design above) is designed to fit into the long term site plan for the Lory Church and would include some necessary items for future growth, which include a separate building for the generator and a separate well for the medical clinic.

The six medical teams that travel to Haiti each year would be able to increase the size of their team and have a full team at Pillatre and Lory when the building is completed. The building would include two large storage areas for the medical teams to keep their items secured when not in use.

The under roof square footage of the building would be ~ 2,600 square feet and the finished square footage of the building would be ~2,100 square feet. The anticipated cost of the facility is $90,000.

We have received a $25,000 commitment from a supporter of the ministry if we can raise $25,000 in matching funds. Our dream is to begin construction of this facility in the 1st quarter of 2017. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this exciting campaign. If you feel so lead, please contact Director of Development Rick White or Forwarding Agent Tom Moss using the information to the left. When sending a check, please write "Lory Multi-purpose Campaign" in the memo.

Eastview Team Holds Sport Camp, Teen Girls Conference


Thanks to Jason and Julie Fields for sharing their trip experience.

Recently our family had an opportunity to partner with God in Haiti and experience His hand moving in very powerful ways. In spite of our best-intended and over-organized plans, God had other ideas for His people in Haiti. We began the week in Worship with Pillatre Church. Worship and the Church took on a special closeness with the realization that our Eastview family were back in Illinois worshiping at the very same moment.

Flexibility; the name of the game! Our trip was originally called a Sports Camp and Men's Conference. Again, God's Spirit was moving in another direction and by the time the trip came around, we were doing a Sports Camp and Teen Girls Conference. Monday morning, not a single child showed up for the Sports Camp. However, every teacher at Haitian Christian Ministries School was ready for their single day Teacher Institute. I (as the only teacher in the group) spoke, integrated team-building activities, and we all shared a lot of laughs talking about our shared teaching experiences. Tuesday and Wednesday, the kids came in the hundreds to play.

The Teen Girls Conference pushed the comfort zone for most. Yet again, God moved to give what was needed…we were charged with sharing Your Body, God's Plan (sex education-yikes!). Day one, we had a nursing student share the "biology" of men, women, sex, puberty, and pregnancy. Day two, the teen girls in our group shared God's plan for marriage and sex. Day three, I shared as a father God's desire for them. The conference was amazing (from the Haitian feedback) and we're hopeful that this will open the door for future conferences addressing this huge need.

Bottom line: we saw God perform miracles! Here is a snapshot of a few: Pre-trip fundraising; getting through Customs with 19 suitcases of supplies paying NOTHING; the more supplies we gave out, the more supplies we had - (Fish & Loaves); no drama among team members; Haitian girls fully engaged and asking questions with sensitive subject of the conference; safety…and I could seriously go on for pages describing very tangible ways God moved.

All we can say is, "Thank you God for allowing us to experience you deeply!"