August Newsletter Issue 8
Published: October 3, 2016 by: Rick White





Haitian Christian Ministries

2016 Issue 8


HCM Minsitry Partner – Emmaus Bible

Seminary Introduces Church Plant Program

Earlier this year, we announced a new partnership with Emmaus Bible Seminary (EBS). This agreement was finalized in July. The partnership with Emmaus will kick into high gear in 2017. In the meantime, Pastor Jacques of the Lory church will be heading up the effort on the ground, observing and providing feedback on how the partnership will work.

Reaching Hearts for Haiti is the name of the EBS church plant/outreach program. The program is a sustainable model of how to build churches in Haiti and reach the lost. The first plant location is in the village of Fev, an unreached area towards the mountains in the area of northern Haiti. The outreach in Fev started in July 2015 with two weeks of going from home to home and sharing the gospel and practicing discipleship.

Today, the church has grown to 120 Sunday attendees and dozens have been baptized into the faith. HCM has provided tents to the Fev church so that parishoners can have some shade during Sunday services. The pastor of the church, Pastor Walnique Cenat, was recently ordained in a moving ceremony at the Fev church.

A second location is currently in the works, with discipleship taking place. Additionally, EBS students are canvassing areas and looking for opportunities to plant additional churches. HCM is currently providing support to two EBS students from the Pillatre church. Ongoing, HCM plans to support one student per class both financially and with guidance from Senior Pastor Bob of the Pillatre church and Pastor Jacques of the Lory church. If you would like to be a part of this exciting new partnership, please contact Tom Moss using the information to the left of this article.

Eastview Youth Complete Two Homes for Pillatre


A team of 23 high school students and 7 leaders from Eastview Christian Church of Bloomington, Illinois travelled to Haiti in mid-July to complete two homes through our partner Welcome Home Haiti. Due to the size of the team, they were split into two teams as they worked. One team stayed at the Laguerre home in town while the other stayed at the apartment behind the church in Pillatre.

Taking youth to Haiti gives them a special opportunity to bond with the Welcome Home Haiti finishing crew, who are the same age as the students. They had prayer and devotional times together and capped off the trip with a joint talent show.

Check Your Employer’s Matching Gift Benefits

Remember that Welcome Home Haiti is a 501c3 non-profit organization and may be eligible for programs where your employer matches your donations or will provide funding based on volunteer hours.